Need for a bank customer lobby
Bank overcharging and under-servicing is a disaster for Australia. CBA’s $10 billion profit from overcharging and under-servicing customers is an affront to all Australians, as is its CEO’s $10.4 million year’s pay packet. CBA could easily reduce interest rates to existing borrowers and increase them to existing depositors and still earn a tidy profit.
For 3 days, 5 phone calls I have tried to reach my CBA branch and the customer service to no avail. No calls back! So I went to the branch. Waited 30 minutes to be attended to. Other customers were furious at lack of service. All in all I spent 1.5 hours on what could have been accomplished in a 5 minute phone call. This is not good enough and common to many banks, particularly the Big 4 today.
We work to assist farmers and business people all over Australia when they have disputes with banks, need to negotiate or are facing mediation. Banks don't make billions by being kind to customers. They make billions by screwing vulnerable customers for all they can get. We run interference for GBAC clients to stop them doing that if we can and mostly we can. But banks have lobbied politicians to give those banks the upper hand. We customers need to work together, wearing our voters hats, the source of near magical power, to bring parliament onto our side.
Let’s Lobby for Better Banking! A Fair GO for bankers and customers.
Today we are launching the
Bank Customer Voterlobby to help customers get a fair go, with some Parliamentary assistance and by rating banks on their performance.
Banks continually lobby, bully and bribe politicians. But banks are not the only ones who can lobby politicians. We have helped voters to lobby successfully on many topics over the 30 years since Voterlobby was formed. Voters vote to elect politicians to represent them and we have seen just how helpful our politicians are when approached in the right way. Voters do not have to put up with financial abuse by banks.
We have already provided
Bankwatch through which dissatisfied bank customers can alert us of their complaints and a
Borrow Better service for getting banks to offer competitive loans. Our consultancy assists borrowers with mediations, negotiations and bank disputes as well.
Please join the Bank Customer Voterlobby by emailing There is no charge! It is free. By voters for voters.